Wednesday, December 29, 2010

booo... back to work

there's something about going back to work after the christmas holidays that can be a little depressing. of course it doesn't help that some of our friends won't be working till the new year hits (by choice or not). maybe it's cause for the past few days, everyone was merry and jolly; chilling, laughing and just hanging out. this christmas we were helping our friends move into their new home and i have to say that it's lovely. to the point that D & i are considering that location too. not so soon of course considering that we just moved into our place early this year.

back to sulking coz i'm at work..... i know we're lucky enough to have monday and tuesday off unlike in kl where they didn't really get a holiday since christmas fell on sunday; so i'm not complaining. on the bright side, the new year's holidays start in 3 day.... oh just 3 days and it's back to sleeping in, lazing and chilling with friends.

p/s - i reckon this post can be reused when i'm back to work after the new year's holiday >.<

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