Wednesday, July 13, 2011

homemade popcorn

for the past few days, we have been craving sweet stuff and since i had already bought the corn to make popcorn a long time ago i decided to try. it's actually quite simple really and fun too.

all you need is:
popcorn kernels, oil, sugar, honey and butter

how to:
  1. heat oil in pan till hot, you can drop a corn kernel in and let it pop before you put the rest of the kernes in.  only put a layer on the saucepan or you will end up with burnt popcorn like i did -_-
  2. cover with tight fitting lid, when you start hearing the corn pop shake saucepan lightly. once everything has finished popping, remove from heat and transfer into container.
  3. now the best part - the caramel. combine butter, sugar and honey over medium heat and keep stirring until it boils. boil without stirring until light golden.
  4. pour caramel over popcorn and mix till coated and tah dah!!
sweet cravings satisfied!

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