Monday, December 19, 2011

holidays should always be like this

this was a longer trip than the last but there was so much more to do! we touched down and pretty much planned a wedding (well the hubby did anyway)..caught up with family and friends, attended another wedding.... we were pretty much at the mamaks every night and always never failed to leave the place with heaps of glasses on the table. we ate and ate and ate, i attended a drift event for my first time which was really fun (with all of us hoping someone would crash into another) except that i wasn't feeling too well and the hubby had to rush me home after a couple of hours. however there were people i still didn't manage to meet, there's always so much to do .... oh and did i add how adorable my little nephew is??  too bad he's sooooo far away. well we had an awesome time but we are pretty happy to be back home.

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