Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts

Friday, June 20, 2014

a new chapter

wow.. who would have thought after over a year of not blogging I'll need an outlet to pour out what's in my head and find a way to remember all the things I've been going through. we'll the biggest thing is... I'm a MOM!

my lil man arrived on Easter Sunday. Only 3 weeks earlier than expected o_O I wasn't even off work yet! I had a feeling that he'll be early but didn't think it would be that's early. And they say the first is usually late....

So how did it all happen? It started with sex! Hahahah sorry, sometimes I like to amuse myself >.< Anyways, me and the hubby had so many plans for the long weekend. We would chill, bought easy to make dinners and wanted to watch a movie with free tickets that are still sitting there now. We had a relaxing Good Friday, for some funny reason I decided to wash all the baby clothes and on Saturday, made plans to pick up some stuff at the baby shop and have lunch at a friend's place. As soon as I reached her place and stepped out of the car, I felt a great big leak. I thought I peed myself.... However it continued to leak. Thank goodness I was entering into the house of a now experienced mother of two. That was at 1:15pm.

I told her what it felt like and she confirmed that 'yup' waters broke. I did however still have time to have lunch, chat with them for a bit then made my way home where I called the hospital to find out what to do. I was told since contractions had not started to go home, shower, pack my bags and head to hospital. She even told me to take my time. 

At 4:00pm, we checked into the hospital. The midwife checked me, and so happen my doctor was in the hospital too, he pop by and said since technically I wasn't quite 37 weeks, my lil man was too early. So instead of inducing me, they would wait 36 hours. That's 3 days I'll be stuck in the hospital! 3 days! Oh well. So they poke a hole to put me on antibiotics so I don't risk getting an infection. Since I was still leaking, they had those liner pads placed the bed I had to lie on and I constantly had to change pads. Was a lil annoying but still I got comfortable, the hubby bought me snacks, magazines and I had my iPad to play with. Since he couldn't stay overnight, he left me to sleep at at 1am so he too could get some rest. 

And whadayaknow, just after the hubby left... at 2:00am I started getting some pains. It was like light cramps which I just shrugged off thinking maybe my tummy wasn't feeling so good. And I was really sleepy. The pains started getting more painful ... Seemed like it was happening every 5-10 minutes and half asleep I started googling what contractions were meant to be like an how to time it. Yes yes, I went for the antenatal classes, I'm suppose to know all these but when it happens you really don't know for sure. I even googled Braxton hicks of course not knowing this actually happens earlier in pregnancy. I couldn't figure out anything and was so dead tired by then I would fall asleep, wake up when it was painful, fall back asleep. This went on till 5:00am; till the midwife came in to administer another dose of antibiotic and I told her I thought I was having contractions. She was quite surprised that I didn't call her in earlier to tell her contractions had started! Then she asked if I wanted to be moved to the birthing suite -_- I hadn't realised that I had to make these decisions when I was in pain. Hahahaha I guess they think I know myself best. So yes, I said I should move to the birthing suite and informed the hubby to make his way over. Poor guy barely slept but he made it back to the hospital is 20 minutes.

It was soooo good to have him with me. The contractions are no joke. There's really no way to explain the pain. Since I didn't really get period cramps, I have no idea if it is anything close. People did say it's similar x 10 or 100 *grin* .... now the hubby too didn't really know how to time contractions but ah! that wasn't important. He kept reminding me to breathe, let me grip and squeeze him really tightly and tried to keep me as comfortable as possible. By 6 plus in the am, I had asked for something to help with the pain. First I tried the gas. Cheh! It gave you that nice floating feeling after you've hadn't a few good drinks; but it wasn't taking away the pain. In the end I asked for epidural . The lil man hadn't dropped at that stage and I had felt like pushing. 

The anaesthetist arrive close to 7:00am. While he was telling me what would happen risks and all I was barely listening with all the pain. I'm sure the hubby was paying attention. Now people always ask if the epidural needle was painful. Honestly, after going through contractions, the needle was nothing! And when the epidural took effect it felt sooooo good. I could still feel when I was contracting, just felt like a bit of pressure and it would go away. At this stage I was about 6-7cm dilated but since the baby hadn't dropped I still had a while to wait. It did feel odd though, I could sort of feel my legs and move them around just a lil but it did get uncomfortable coz being so still you would get pins and needles. Funnily more on one side than the other. Once the epidural kicked in I actually got to take a nap till about 10:00am. Even the hubby took a nap. I think which helped during pushing. I was well rested. 

The midwife came to check on me and said I was really to push. In fact had asked me to do a lil push and she could see the lil man's head! Here was something I didn't expect. My midwife asked if I wanted to watch my lil man come out o_O I told her noooo... It might traumatise me but she said that since I had epidural it would be a nice experience and I agreed to have a mirror placed in front of me. After that she contacted my doc to tell him I was ready. He came by 10:30am and that's when it all started. Unfortunately when I was pushing, my eyes were close and missed the show. Hahahaha so much for watching. At 10:41am, my lil man Dylan was born with a head full of hair.

It's quite unbelievable. It was my body that created this lil man and it's a new life. Hard to believe ... It's an amazing miracle.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

the year 2012

almost a year since i was last here and a lot has happened since then. here's a recap to the year 2012 in random order.

i assisted in cooking my first turkey ever.. of course with chef father-in-law and i have to say it turned out mighty fine. defrosting that 5 kilo bird was painful. it took 24 hours to defrost, marinated overnight, about 2 hours prep and another 3 hours and 45 minutes to cook. but it was definitely worth it. the meat was juicy and tasty and of course we had heaps of food. it's may not be my first home cooked christmas but it's a first traditional one with turkey and all.

after much travelling back and fro home to kl, the hubby and i managed to end up in new york this year; all in 2 weeks planning and luckily enough flew out a couple of days just before hurricane sandy hit. as expected, loved the city and everything about it - the lights, the late nights, the atmosphere... everything. i manage to catch up with friends i haven't seen in a decade and now everytime i watch a movie shot in new york, i scream "new york!!". someone's gonna get sick of me eventually >_<

the beginning of the year was a bit of a whirlwind. started with ups and downs. some downs too private to share and some downs turning into ups. there was the difficulty in selling our apartment but yet we were able to buy the house we wanted and surprisingly it all worked out. the hubby and i always grateful that although we may not be the rich, but we're lucky in what matters and that we do live comfortable lives.

i turned the big 3-0 this year with no major parties since the hubby was overseas. i did however get a very belated surprise giant birthday cupcake when he came back. and when i say surprise i mean surprise considering i starting singing along to the birthday song not realising that it was for me.

became the proud housewife when i made tong yuen (glutinous rice balls) from scratch for the winter solstice. not that i wasn't the proud housewife before ... but seeing it was so pretty and something different from the everyday house cooked dinners i couldn't help but beam in happiness. one step closer to being a stepford wife. hahahahaha .. that's never gonna happen!

i got the chance to overcome my slight fear of go-karting and now go full throttle without that thought stuck in my head that i will overturn at corners. now i just need to learn to cut the corners right. *evil grin*

dyed my hair purple... then pink. welcomed a few cute adorable babies into the world, non of which are mine of course and built more lego this year than i have ever built in my life. this year flew by so quickly i didn't even have time to blog about it. now to bring on the new year!

happy new year!